Friday, 9 July 2004
More nice co-workers
Now Playing: "Ocean Avenue" Yellowcard (it's stuck in my head, damnit)
Have I mentioned some of my super-awesomely nice co-workers? SHYEAH! Ok, my birthday's on Monday, and my license expires then. But the dmv isn't open on Mondays, so I have to go Tuesday (I waited 'til now because I didn't want the "Under 21" on there anymore). So, my mom was going to drop me off at the dmv near work, and then I could wait in line for 87 hours and then she'd pick me up and I'd go straight to work. Isss all good, right?
Negative! Turns out that my mom can't come pick me up because she's got a meeting all day or something. What about Wednesday or Thursday? No good- she's got appointments all morning. So, hmm. I could sit my ass at the dmv for 87 MORE hours while waiting to get picked up, or I could go with Plan B- ask a super-awesome co-worker to pick me up and bribe them with food.
We're going with plan B. I bribed a coworker with double chocolate chip cookies (my specialty!) Awesome! Actually, I tried to bribe her with lunch one day, but she told me to save my money, and it was no problem. So finally I got her with the cookies :D
AND I just found out that Laura (the one I'm bribing) and Sherri (my boss) are taking me to lunch on Tuesday for my birthday!! How nice are they!!!
So, anyways, I work with some really nice and awesome people.
Oh, and let's not forget- Gail's Birthday Countdown: 3 Days!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 12:01 PM EDT
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