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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 23 April 2004

I want JOHN STEVENS to be the next American Idol...
Yes, I like watching American Idol. It's true. But you know what?? I'm not ashamed! Do you hear that, world?! I AM NOT ASHAMED!! Ok, enough of that... I want John Stevens to win. In case you don't know, John Stevens is this guy. The ultra-pale red-headed one. I looove his voice and (Nathan's gonna be mad at me, but) he's just absolutely adorable!! ((And YEAH, I already know he's JAILBAIT, so don't bother telling me *grumble*)) Also, I like him 'cuz he's crazy white and I love red hair (on guys, anyways)!! Red-headed guys are just so cute!! Haha- hey! I got idea...

Cute! Ugly.
Cute! Ugly.
Cute! Ugly.
Cute! Ugly.

Ok, I'm done. Yeah, I know that C Thomas Howell and Jake LeDoux aren't listed under "cute", but I just can't find any good pictures of them right now... Wait, where was I going with all this? Hmm... let's see, I had some hot chocolate and I was writing about John Stevens... then I had a cup of coffee and posted pics of random guys... then I had some chocolate and posted pics of ugly guys... Hmmmmm... Oh well- let's do the Hyper Dance!! *wiggle wiggle* *shake shake shake* *wiggle wiggle* UH UH!! ...I'm done. I promise I won't dance anymore... Damn, alright that's enough procrastinating- I gotta go do some homework. Woooooo...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 10:49 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 23 April 2004 2:26 PM EDT

Thursday, 22 April 2004

Happy, sad, happy, sad...
I started today out happy. I think it's 'cuz I was ready for work on time.

But then on the way into work, I asked my mom a question (we carpool), and she started yelling and got all upset, which made me upset. So then I felt sad.

But then, this nice lady who works with me (Elizabeth, with the picnic basket of candy at her desk) gave me a Cadberry Cream egg. I loooove Cadberry Cream Eggs (ESPECIALLY the chocolate-filled ones... mmmm *drool*), and that made me happy again. I even clapped (I clap my hands when I'm really happy).

So I went to make some coffee so I could have sufary-coffee AND sugar-filled chocolate eggy goodness at the same time! Mmmmmmmm diabetes-inducing sugary goooooodness.... Anyway, I made some instant coffee (Swiss Miss French Vanilla Cappuccino, to be exact) and it was really good, and it reminded me of when I used to work at the snax bar at Wally World. The coffee machine was my FAVORITE part of the whole job- I think it was the same coffee as this kind we have at the office...

And then I started thinking about my job at Wally World... I was thinking about how funny it was that guys used to hit on me when I worked there. It's funny 'cuz I had to wear a hair net and guys STILL hit on me. Lemme tell you, in that hair net I felt about as sexy as a lunch lady. A very unsexy lunch lady. But then that got me to thinking of my bestest friend- I met him through working at Wal-Mart...

And then I got sad, because I remembered that my bestest friend is still not talking to me. So that mad me super-sad again. I don't like being sad. I think I need to start carrying around emergency glitter with me. 'Cuz i love glitter and it cheers me up. ... ... No, I don't think even GLITTER can cheer me up right now. *sigh*

Oh well, maybe this weekend will be better...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 12:01 PM EDT

Tuesday, 20 April 2004

Huhhhhh, it's 4/20, maaaan!! Wanna get high, maaaaan?? Hahaha, ok I'm done now.

Well, most of you know I had two craptacular days in a row. So far, today's been pretty vanilla. I don't wanna jinx it, but hopefully the bad luck is gone. It was probably karma for something awful I did... I won't bore you with the details of my bad day(s), but i think the worst thing that happened was I got in a fight with my best friend. And getting a bad haircut (don't worry- i fixed it myself). But I keep hoping that maybe this weekend will be fun. Maybe.

This Saturday is Johnny's birthday. He'll be 19. My mom's going to visit him up in Pennsylvania, but I can't go (too close to finals). Also, I HATE flying. So, I think I'm gonna try to go up and visit everyone over the summer. So, anybody wanna go on a Happy Yum Yum Summer Fun Pennsylvania Adventure with me?

I got tricked into eating flan the other day! I HATE FLAN!! It's the most disgusting substance known to man!! For a Spanish class project, some group brought in food-stuff. And they were handing out little cups of this gooey-crap, and I was like "What is it?" 'Cus if they said it was flan I was gonna be all "Ewwww! Flan's nasty! No thank you." but the girl was all "It's Leche Asada" so I was oh ok... so i tasted it, and- EWWWWW! FLAN!!! I ACCIDENTLY ATE FLAN!!! And right then the teacher was all "This is really popular in.. blah blah blah.. and it's called FLAN." Blaaargle!! I gave mine to the guy sitting next to me. EVIL EVIL FLAN!!

So the moral of the story is: Be nice to Gail and don't eat flan. Oh yeah, and someone go get extra high for me, since apparently I'm not allowed to do that anymore...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 2:35 PM EDT

Saturday, 17 April 2004

Peeps make me sad...
Today I had some marshmellow Peeps for lunch. Five, to be exact. They came in a little box. I ate two when I started thinking "hey, what's that group of vegetarians who can't eat anything with a face?" And then I was like "Peeps have faces" and then I got sad because you know, what if the little Peeps knew their fate? See it's like, when cows are going up the ramp into the slaughter-room thing to be all chopped up, how do we KNOW they don't know they're gonna be killed? 'Cus like every comedian on the planet does the bit about "Cows are so stupid- they walk up the ramp to the slaughter house, watch the cow in front of them get chopped up, and they keep following up the ramp! That's soooo dumb! Haw haw haw".. But what if, when each little Peep sees his siblings get eaten he KNOWS that he's in line for that horrible death-- he's going to be eaten alive! That's terrible! *I* wouldn't want to be eaten alive!! And so, I wondered if i should eat the other three, since i felt so bad about killing them, but you know, what was I gonna do- set them free?? Oh, the neighbors would love THAT- they think I'm weird enough already without me throwing Peeps out the front door and yelling "Fly away little friends! Fly away and be FREEEEE!" But I was still in the middle of lunch, so I ate the other three. But I bit their heads off first to try and make it as quick and painless as possible. I ALMOST cried I was so sad, but then I'm a HUGE wussie and I cry at the drop of a hat, so that was probably it.

So the moral of the story is: Gail can NEVER eat Peeps EVER again. Ever.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 1:47 PM EDT

Friday, 16 April 2004

Fun at the libary...
Guess what I did last night? I had fun at the libary! I got to ask the libarians questions, and play with microfilm, and print stuff!! I had to go to the libary for a Sociology project. I'm almost done with it, which is good 'cuz it's due Monday. I just have a little bit left to type up, and *hopefully* I'll be able to get that done today at work.

Microfilm is hella-tits. I found my birthday (7-12-83) and I had to print off something for my project, right? But check it out- I was paging through when I came across this add for dental work, or something. It had my name in it! It said like "The first thing I noticed about Gail was her smile..." and then there's a picture of some chick smiling. I bet her real name's not Gail. But how weeeird was that?? On my birthday! Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. I think I'm gonna hang it on my wall. Or maybe I'll post a pic of it on my website (IF i ever figger out how to work the scanner, that is).

But I'm happy 'cuz after i finish my sociology project (hopefully today), then I'll just have to work on my Spanish project (i'm SUPPOSED to be meeting with the group members tomorrow, but haven't heard from them), and then after that I'll just have a little bit of work on my HPS project. Wooo. And then, of course, fuckin' finals are gonna slap me in the face... but at least my goddamn projects will be done!!! I am SO sick of those damn things. Rrrgh.

On the bright side, my cartilege piercing is doing much better. So is my belly-button piercing. Yay.
Ok, I'm done.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:58 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 16 April 2004 8:59 AM EDT

Thursday, 8 April 2004

Whoaa.. two posts in one day!
Wow. Apparently, people read this. More importantly, apparently the people I talk smack about in the blog read this. Weeird.

Anyway, I would like to apologize to Stewart. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, hon. You're my best friend, and I really didn't mean to piss you off so bad.
However... seriously, that's not the worst thing I've ever done when I was mad at one of my friends. Just ask Brandon. I think glaring and mouthing "I hate you" and "fuck off" at him for an entire PROM NIGHT is waaay worse than venting about someone online. Yes, I really did that. Man was I pissed. But, you know, I can't help it. It's umm... a red-head thing. ((Not many people know that I'm a natural red-head. I choose to dye it black because it's gotten blonder over the years, and i HATE being blonde. pffsh.)) Red-heads are wild in bed and have fiery tempers. Or so the rumor goes :D. I WILL attest to the fiery temper, though. I think anyone who's ever gotten on my bad side knows that.

So... that's all I've got to say. I guess the moral of the story is that if you piss me off, prepare to be flamed on my blog. How nerdy.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 6:42 PM EDT

Thursday, 1 April 2004

Well, dookie-poo. I just found out that Kontrol Faktor is no longer gonna be a weekly event. It's getting cut down to once a month. That makes me saaaaad. Their last weekly night is tomorrow night, so IF ANYONE WANTS TO GO, let me know, mm'kay??

Posted by bandvamp01 at 12:19 PM EST

Saturday, 27 March 2004


Yay!! I went to Kontrol Faktor last night!! It was tits, in my opinion. We got there.. umm... like 10:45, and left around 1:30. I think next time I go, I'mma go to Steak N Shake and drink 4 cups of coffee before going. ((Why Steak N Shake you ask? I'll tell you why: their coffee tastes like shit, but i think they put speed in it. True story.)) The music was really good, but it was pretty dead up until midnight.. And we got to see Patrick dance. Yay Patrick!! If anybody wants to go next time, let me know...

So, the moral of the story is: everybody go to Kontrol Faktor at the Riviera on friday nights!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 4:34 PM EST

Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Website update!!
YAAAAY! I updated my WEBSITE!!!
Go check it out... NOW, BIATCH!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 7:26 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 7:27 PM EST

Monday, 22 March 2004

Yay for quizilla!

Bondage movie! You're into BSDM (Bondage &
Discipline, Dominance & Submission) and chances
are, you're fond of whips, chains, harnesses,
and tight leather outfits. You like to mix a
little pain with a LOT of pleasure, baby!

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh hellz yeah.

You know what? Quizilla is addicitve! I think I'mma make a page for all my online quiz results... because I guess I feel the need to share my results with the rest of you, or something...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:26 PM EST

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