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Because I CAN, dammit

Tuesday, 21 September 2004

I'm at work right now, and The Co-Worker I Like Least (let's call her... Heather), has got THE worst hairstyle I've seen since the 1989... which is when I last saw it. Normally, she's got curly hair, but today she thought it'd be extra-awesome-cool to straighten it. Now, do you remember in the 80's when chicks would crimp and tease their hair out to *here* and then pull the top half of the ratted mess into a ponytail- that sits in the middle of their head (as opposed to the back, like sane people do)? Yeah, that's it. Like, gag me with a spoon! Fer shure!
I found a pic-- ok, it's like this but about TWICE as poofy, and 3 times more over-processed-looking. Seriously, it's hideous.

Anyway, HALLOWEEN is coming soon! Yay! But alas, I'm having a hard time figuring out a costume!! I've got it semi-narrowed down to easy/quick costumes (i didn't start early enough for a complicated one). So, should I be:
Old-skool Goth
80s Valley Girl
Magic 8 Ball
Cheerleader (but only if Nathan's a football player)

...and that's all I can think of at the moment. Help meeee!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 3:25 PM EDT

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 3:51 AM EDT

Name: Rob

HAHAHAHA! Ashley Olson... how bizarre.

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 11:45 PM EDT

Name: Gail
Home Page:

Rob, you ignorant slut! That's not the spawn of Satan, err, i mean, one of the Olsen twins! That's Jodie Sweetin- she played Stephanie, the middle child! GET IT RIGHT, MAN!!

Haha, just kidding. Yo, man, what you been up to?? Hey- me and NateDawg are going to the North GA fair on Saturday- you wanna come with??

Thursday, 23 September 2004 - 2:55 AM EDT

Name: Rob

Naw I can't... I am working at the G A P! i don't have a cozy cubicle with interesting little stories... I am on the front lines man... its hard but someone has got to fold that denim, otherwise the world would go to hell.

**Retail Associates: Soldiers of Misfortune**

Thursday, 23 September 2004 - 9:12 AM EDT

Name: Gail

Dude, I know- retail seriously IS a war zone. I know- I was THERE, man!! I'm lucky that I've got a desk job... after being injured! Yeah!! An old Wal-Mart War wound. A little kid ran into me with a shopping cart. The horror! THE HORROR!!! *twitch*

...No, I'm fine. But call in sick!! COME WITH US! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!! DOOOOO IT!!

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