Friday, 17 September 2004
I had to move to a new cubicle today. It made me sad. I've been at my old cube for almost 2 years (ever since I started working here). Now, true, I only use my cube for lunch breaks (I work the front desk all day), but still... that cube and i had a special bond. The kind of bond that only a corporate slave and a cubicle can have- a stong one. *tear* I had to move waaaaaay down to the other end of the office. To a smaller cube. And a part-time person gets my (big) cube. Poor cube- I miss youuuuu!! CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBE!!! *sob*
I AM LORD AND MASTER!!! That is all.
p.s.- check out my brother's AWESOME DIY website!! I'm Luscious Linens! I have an advice column! I RAWK S0 HARDZ0RZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one
Posted by bandvamp01
at 3:38 PM EDT
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