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Because I CAN, dammit

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Misc. misc. and more misc...
I don't have any really big stories to tell, so I'll just give some random updates...

First thing on the agenda, I made Nathan watch "Wing Commander" the other night. I didn't understand one bit of it- I just watched it because Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Matthew Lillard were in it. I thought I didn't understand it because we missed the first 20 minutes, but Chris told me it didn't make a difference. Bue hey! It was on the SciFi channel-- I thought the SciFi channel only played *good* movies... (hahahahaha, no).

Next item of business, we need people to dress up as Rocky Horror Picture Show characters for Halloween with me. I am going as Columbia. Brandon said he'd go as Rocky, but I have a feeling he's not going to be real keen on running around in just gold undies all night ((also, Rocky is blonde)). We still need Brad, Janet, Dr. Scott, Eddie... well hell, I'm not gonna name all the characters- you all SHOULD know them (there'll be a test later, bitches!).

Third, for some weird reason, adults think I'm funny. Seriously, I've had like 5 people at work today tell me I have a great sense of humor. And I thought it was just the weirdos I work with, but I've had tachers and even my mom's friends say I'm funny. But people my own age don't think I'm funny. Hell, I don't think I'm funny. Well, sometimes I do, but that's only when I yell "PINEAPPLE!" at inappropriate times. Or when I make little baby dino noises; that makes me laugh. Maybe adults are just freaking weirdos. Screw the whole lot of 'em- I'm gonna act like a 10-year-old forever and NEVER grow up! Yaaaaay weeee!!

Ohh my god- guess what just happened. This nice lady I work with just came into the lobby, used the phone, and started crying a little. Then she walked out into the hallway. Then she came back in and stood in the corner of the lobby and she looked like she was really really trying to force back the tears. Then she walked away. Ohhhh man was that uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do-- should I ask if she's ok? Do I hand her a box of tissues? Or should I just pretend like I don't notice her crying so she won't be embarrassed?? That's what I did. Now I feel bad. I hate when people cry around me-- my first impulse is to give them a big hug and then my second impulse is to cry with them because i can't STAND when people cry. But then some people don't want to be hugged. And I never can tell who wants to be hugged and who doesn't. But I'm not going to hug someone I work with- that's just weird. But now I feel really really bad for not doing anything at all- like I feel like a big uncaring jerk for not wanting to embarrass her or make a scene of it. Oh man. Where's Dear Abby when you need her!!

Anyway, on to the final order of business. I watched the series finale of Angel last night. I cried when Wesley died. It was really sad. But I didn't bawl; I only cried a little bit. I've only really bawled because of a tv show like three times. ((Once when Buffy had to kill Angel to close the Hell Mouth, once when Goku died and didn't want to come back to life, and then the episode of Pokemon where Ash has to set caterpie free... and if any ONE of you laughs, I will KICK YOUR ASS.))

Ok, that is all. I'm bored.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 2:20 PM EDT

Friday, 21 May 2004 - 4:04 AM EDT

Name: Rob

Okay, here's my two bits about Angel. I finally saw it tonight, cause I wasn't at home to watch it Wednesday. Why did they have to kill Wesley!?!?!! He is originally from Buffy. I like Gunn, he is just bad ass. I say, if you had to kill anyone on Angel, let it be Lorn... I never liked the green guy.

And I hate the WB, may their fucking network blowup, its gone to a shitfest. Angel was the last thing they had going for them besides Smallville and Everwood. I feel sorry for the cast, that isn't how the Shen Shu prophecy was suppose to go down... and did that seem like Aramageddon on last night's episode... fucking bastards, tying shit together with really loose string. DIE DIE DIE WB!

Alright, that's all I wanted to say.

Monday, 24 May 2004 - 2:12 PM EDT

Name: Gail
Home Page:

Yeah, I cried when Wesley died... and I haven't even been following Angel. ((I only watch it occasionally for Spike's hottness :D)) I dunno who Gunn is (I was just watching it because I used to watch Buffy, and I wanted to see what happened to Angel).. but I was sad when the green guy shot Lindsey (I *think* that was his name). That was sad because he was really hot... I mean, he had someone he loved very much. Yeah, that's why I was sad. I agree- it *did* seem like Armageddon on the last episode. I thought I was going to get to see some kick-ass fighting. But then it was like "Ok, guys- get ready..." And The End, cut to a commercial. Boo.

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