Thursday, 22 April 2004
Happy, sad, happy, sad...
I started today out happy. I think it's 'cuz I was ready for work on time.
But then on the way into work, I asked my mom a question (we carpool), and she started yelling and got all upset, which made me upset. So then I felt sad.
But then, this nice lady who works with me (Elizabeth, with the picnic basket of candy at her desk) gave me a Cadberry Cream egg. I loooove Cadberry Cream Eggs (ESPECIALLY the chocolate-filled ones... mmmm *drool*), and that made me happy again. I even clapped (I clap my hands when I'm really happy).
So I went to make some coffee so I could have sufary-coffee AND sugar-filled chocolate eggy goodness at the same time! Mmmmmmmm diabetes-inducing sugary goooooodness.... Anyway, I made some instant coffee (Swiss Miss French Vanilla Cappuccino, to be exact) and it was really good, and it reminded me of when I used to work at the snax bar at Wally World. The coffee machine was my FAVORITE part of the whole job- I think it was the same coffee as this kind we have at the office...
And then I started thinking about my job at Wally World... I was thinking about how funny it was that guys used to hit on me when I worked there. It's funny 'cuz I had to wear a hair net and guys STILL hit on me. Lemme tell you, in that hair net I felt about as sexy as a lunch lady. A very unsexy lunch lady. But then that got me to thinking of my bestest friend- I met him through working at Wal-Mart...
And then I got sad, because I remembered that my bestest friend is still not talking to me. So that mad me super-sad again. I don't like being sad. I think I need to start carrying around emergency glitter with me. 'Cuz i love glitter and it cheers me up. ... ... No, I don't think even GLITTER can cheer me up right now. *sigh*
Oh well, maybe this weekend will be better...
Posted by bandvamp01
at 12:01 PM EDT
Friday, 23 April 2004 - 2:33 AM EDT
Spice and Everything Nice
I will talk to you... I will sprinkle you with glitter and call you my Fairy Queen :)
Friday, 23 April 2004 - 10:27 AM EDT
Yaaaaaay glitter!! Hey, you called me last night, didn't you? I just got your message this morning- we should hang out soon!
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