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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 16 April 2004

Fun at the libary...
Guess what I did last night? I had fun at the libary! I got to ask the libarians questions, and play with microfilm, and print stuff!! I had to go to the libary for a Sociology project. I'm almost done with it, which is good 'cuz it's due Monday. I just have a little bit left to type up, and *hopefully* I'll be able to get that done today at work.

Microfilm is hella-tits. I found my birthday (7-12-83) and I had to print off something for my project, right? But check it out- I was paging through when I came across this add for dental work, or something. It had my name in it! It said like "The first thing I noticed about Gail was her smile..." and then there's a picture of some chick smiling. I bet her real name's not Gail. But how weeeird was that?? On my birthday! Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. I think I'm gonna hang it on my wall. Or maybe I'll post a pic of it on my website (IF i ever figger out how to work the scanner, that is).

But I'm happy 'cuz after i finish my sociology project (hopefully today), then I'll just have to work on my Spanish project (i'm SUPPOSED to be meeting with the group members tomorrow, but haven't heard from them), and then after that I'll just have a little bit of work on my HPS project. Wooo. And then, of course, fuckin' finals are gonna slap me in the face... but at least my goddamn projects will be done!!! I am SO sick of those damn things. Rrrgh.

On the bright side, my cartilege piercing is doing much better. So is my belly-button piercing. Yay.
Ok, I'm done.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:58 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 16 April 2004 8:59 AM EDT

Saturday, 17 April 2004 - 5:01 AM EDT

Name: Firey Demon

MUHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Wow... such an evil and maniacal laugh... let me do it again, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They say laughing burns 100 calories, so you wonder why people like Lex Luther are so damn skinny.... they laugh very evily, so does the Joker, and he was a skinny bastard!

Saturday, 17 April 2004 - 1:30 PM EDT

Name: Gail
Home Page:

Whooaaa! Some unknown demon is terrorizing my blog!! KICK ASS!!!

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