Welcome to my What's New Page!! I decided that writing all the updates on the main page was going to clutter it. Now who wants that??
12-28-05 Heh, YES I'm still alive. I got 2 page views yesterday, and I average about 200 a month. Wow. I really would like to do more with this page, but I'm just so busy with school and work, and too lazy to relearn all of my HTML stuff. Damn school. Gonna live in that shack. Yes. Yesssss...
3-23-04 Yay! Another update!! I added a Quizzes Page!! Now all of yinz can go see what online quizzes (mostly Quizilla) I've taken! Yaaaay!! Oh, also-- GO SEE DAWN OF THE DEAD!!! NOW!!!
2-2-04 Hooray! I FINALLY updated... though not much. The About Me page and this one. Of course, I posted to my blog also, so FEEL FREE to check that out (do it, bitch!) Also, if ANY of you still read this- go sign my blog... just so I know if *anybody* still reads this damn thing...
9-4-03 w00t! w00t! I made an update! I made an update! Not only did I change the front page a little, but I added a new page! MY BLOG PAGE! So you'd better read it! See what I do for you, my little darlings?
3-17-03 Yeah, I know it's been EONS since I've updated- don't gimme that look! Ok, I've been lazy. In fact, I forgot I even had a website for wehile... But I promise as soon as I figure out how to work my damn scanner, there'll be some really funny pictures! And... I'll be able to put up a new page!! But in the meantime, go check the PICTURES page and the ALL ABOUT ME page. DO IT, BIATCH!!!
8-21-02 Happy St. Patrick's Day!! ((Kiss me, I really am Irish!)) Hey everyone! I know it's been a long time since an update, but the truth is... I was abducted by aliens!! Yeah- I was held hostage while they studied my brain! And then they took me to their planet, um.. Planet HotBoizz! All the aliens there were sexy guys!! Yeah, that's it-- and I was their Queen! Yeah!! And then they dropped me back on Planet Earth just in time for Fall Semester at UWG here... Ok, ok-- I was just really lazy over the summer... but my abduction could have happened... Anywhoo- I promise more updates real soon-- A brand-new page is in the making...
5-7-02 I added a brand-new page! Go check out my
Rant Page!!
4-8-02 I added more quotes! Oh those delicious quotes!! The new ones are at the top of the page (I know how much you lazy people hate scrolling!!)
3-26-02 Lots of new shtuff!! Well, it should be obvious that I made another page for the updatey-type stuff, and I've put up a page of pictures of my friends!! If you have a picture you want up there, send it to me!! Plus, I've decided to update this site at least once a week. Oh! And be sure to check out Invader Zim on Nickelodeon Friday nights at 9:30!! Waa-hooo!!
1-29-02 I added a new page! Check out the Quotes Page for lessons on life, love, and other useless stuff. Ha HA!
1-28-02 Well, seeing as how this is a really new website, I'll probably be updating lots of stuff on it quite often. So today I fixed all the links. Yay.