Friday, 6 February 2004
I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't...
ARGGH! I got in trouble for the flowers thing. Nathan actually read this, and he was like "you said you WISH you got flowers at work" and I said "No, I said I'd never GOTTEN flowers at work." I don't want flowers. I was just saying I'd never gotten them at work... he made it sound like I was begging for flowers, which I most certainly was NOT. I'm weird about flowers anyway- I never throw them out. They'll sit in a vase in my room for 6 months (or more!) and then I'll clip the stems and keep the dried flowers. I still have some roses in there from... uhhhhh, either my birthday or last Valentine's day. I think. I like dead flowers more than live ones, anyway (how gawth!). They're pretty.
So, TO CLARIFY, I do NOT want flowers, I was just trying to say that my day was so crummy that even something that normally cheers me up had the opposite effect. And then I was stating a fact; that that I had never personally gotten flowers at work. THAT'S IT. Jeebus- am I gonna have to start writing disclaimers for every one of my posts?? Well, since I'm posting, I found out that "Leprechaun: Back 2 da hood" is already out on video, so GUESS what I'll be watching this weekend?! AW, YEAH! The Leprechaun movies were HILARIOUS! This is... number 6, I believe. I think they had like a $10 budget for this one. I was looking around online, and Leprechaun fans are pissing themselves about some rumor of a "Chuckie vs. the Leprechaun" movie. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! I would totally bet on the Leprechaun. 'Cuz, you know, he's got magic powers. Chuckie has a little switchblade. Hmm... magic or switchblade? Gee...
Well, that's all I've got. I hope you're all having a nice Friday!!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 8:32 AM EST
Thursday, 5 February 2004
Yep, it's official- today's been turned into a crappy day. Work sucked, the weather sucked, and the whole uncle thing (see previous post) is going to suck. The worst part was, some nice lady in our office got flowers today, and it made me sad. Normally when other people get flowers it cheers me up, 'cuz it makes them so happy. And everybody ooohs and ahhhhs over them, and it's fun. But not today. It just made me sadder. I've never gotten flowers at work. Haha- I'm going to send myself some. No, I'm not-- I'm not THAT big of a loser. *sigh* I swear- one of these days I really AM going to become the Crazy Old Cat Lady. ((So the moral of the story is: if anybody reads this, leave a message- it'll cheer me up!))
Posted by bandvamp01
at 5:26 PM EST
Wow! Two posts in one week!!
Grrr... I just found out that as of Monday, my uncle is going to live with me and my mom. This is going to suck so bad. I LIKE the quiet. I LIKE having the whole house to myself sometimes. And of course, no one even asked me. Well, I suppose *technically* my mother did ask, but she's one of those people that if you say no, there's going to be hell to pay (AND a HUGE guilt trip to boot). She's one of those people who will help others, whether they want it or not. I mean, I know I'M bossy, but this is rediculous-- she commanded my uncle to move from Pennsylvania to down here, and then insisted he could stay with us. He COULD stay with my grandmother, who lives right down the street, but nooooo. My mom INSISTED he could live with us. Ugh... well, maybe my mom will be so worried about him that she won't have time to bug the hell outta me. That could be fun- I would be invisible for a little while. I swear, when I move out, I'm never talking to my family again. What a sucky day this is turning out to be (and it's not even NOON!)... Oh yeah! And thank you Stewart and Brandon-- it looks like you two are the only ones who read this thing... (it makes me feel important)
*edit* P.S.- Have you ever had a sucky day, and you're just in one of those moods where you're just LOOKING for an excuse to pick a fight? Yeah, that's how I feel today. So everyone, be reeeeally really nice to me. Or I'll bite your fucking head off.
Posted by bandvamp01
at 8:26 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 8:29 AM EST
Monday, 2 February 2004
Da na na na na na na na BATMAN!!
I'm soo bored that I'm FINALLY updating my blog (annnnd my website). Gawd DAMN am I bored. I SHOULD be doing homework, but that would be even nerdier than updating my website... I updated the About Me page. And then the What's New page. w00t. Maaayybe some of you would be interested in some updates, yeeeeesssss?? Well, for those of you who know me, you know that for years I've been a firm believer that Clarinets are the best kissers, and that Trumpets, Mellophones, and Tubas suck at kissing. Well, I thought about it the other day and you know what? Trumpets aren't that bad. I think it's just the Mellos and the Tubas. So HA! Clarinets are still the best, naturally :D Also, I am still a HUGE band nerd. I think we all know that I'll still be telling "How many trumpets does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" jokes until I'm 90. Also, who wants to go see the Warped Tour concert when they hit Atlanta?? Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, the Casualties (fuck yeah for guys with mohawks!!), and I forget the rest. But the rest don't really matter. I'm already making Nathan go, but does anyone else want to go...? And now i'm off to do more nerdy things!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 10:02 PM EST
Friday, 31 October 2003
YAAAAAAAAAAY! It's my favorite holiday ever!! Too bad the day started out extremely sucky :( I carved a pumpkin last night. Well, I started to, and then it got too late, so I'll finish it up today. It's on of the ones where you carve the front and the back so it casts a shadow behind the pumpkin. I swear, if it doesn't turn out right, I'm gonna smash the damn thing myself. I baked a cake, too- it's for our office Halloween 'party'. Which will suck because I'll still be stuck at the front desk. So, it had better be good, or I'm heaving it out one of our 13th-story windows myself. The one thing that perked up my morning was that I heard "The Monster Mash" on the radio. It's just NOT Halloween until you've heard that song. But I don't even have any fun plans tonight. Boo. And I've got such a nice costume (I'm Trinity).
Dammit, this year's Halloween is gonna suck.
Posted by bandvamp01
at 10:58 AM EST
Friday, 17 October 2003
Boring day at work...
My arm hurts. But I'm excited anyway because the homecoming game is tonight! Yay! (I honestly have no idea why I am so excited about THAT) Also, my fave little cousin is hanging out with me tonight!! Yay! Yay! Okay, that's it.
Posted by bandvamp01
at 11:37 AM EDT
Thursday, 16 October 2003
Woooo!! Okay, I have a bunch of stuff to tell you, soooo....
Part 1: The concert WAS HELLA-TITS!!! BEST concert I've ever been to!! The Casualties were fucking AMAZING and the Dropkick Murphys completely blew me away!!! The best part was when the Casualties played "Spikey- Haired Drunk Punks" and all the, uhhh.. spikey-haired drunk punks started moshing... Ok, wait- I lied. The BEST part was the sweaty shirtless irish guys who all came out during Dropkick Murphys :D Seriously, from now on I am SO only going to punk concerts- they kick ass so much harder than anything else...
Part 2: Me and Nathan went to a farewell party for Joseph at his house after the concert. He was SO smashed. It was GREAT. Also, Rosco got spanked. By Joseph's mom. AND I GOT THE PICTURE TO PROVE IT!!! I can't WAIT to get my film developed...
Part 3: I got a flu shot today. And I didn't cry, not even a little bit!! So now I'm just waiting for my arm to swell up and fall off or something, i SWEAR...
Part 4: I'm feeling better, I think i'm getting over my cold (knock on wood).
Okay everybody- that's all I've got. But for god's sake- LEAVE ME A MESSAGE!!!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 2:02 PM EDT
Friday, 10 October 2003
Concert tomorrow!!
Wooooooooooo!!! I'm hella-excited! I'm going to the Casualties / Dropkick Murphys concert tomorrow night!! I've got my steel-toe boots all dusted off for it, too. Sorry for not updating as much as I would have liked (oh, like anybody reads this thing, anyways).. Aw, man- this concert is gonna be tits (and NO i didn't get that from South Park... but if anyone CAN guess where I got that from, I'll give you a cookie :)) Hooray for mohawks!! Punks (ok, the guys) are the hottest of the hot. Hellz yeazz for mohawks and studs, baby. Punk girls (if you can find 'em) are kinda nasty. Now, Rivetbitches are hot... but I digress. Anyway, I'll tell everyone what the concert was like on sunday, I guess... On a sad note though- Brandon left to go to Japan (he's a marine) for a year. It made me sad 'cuz I'm gonna miss him. But I was DOUBLE sad because then Joseph leaves to go be a marine on monday!! Sad sad sad... *sniffle*
October is turning out to be a very interesting month...
Posted by bandvamp01
at 11:51 AM EDT
Sunday, 7 September 2003
Go see Bowling for Columbine. Right now. Drop what you're doing, run out, and rent this movie. GO! Yeah, you can probably guess what I watched last night. I swear, it's a really good movie. It made me think. And if a movie can make ME think then whoa, because me don't think so good not much. And then we watched Night of the Living Dead. It made me think. (No, not really-- it just made me afraid of zombies hiding in my closet) Johnny just told me to go watch a movie called May. Anybody seen it? Anyway, in case anyone cares- I'll be redecorating my room today. Woooo!! Silver glitter spray, here I come!!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 2:37 PM EDT
Thursday, 4 September 2003
This is good...
I almost forgot... (this is good) Yesterday I was at this little thrift store and I'm just minding my own business when this lady looking at the rack behind me turns around and says "How do you think this looks?" and like, holds up this striped dress. The lady's like, 30 or whatever, so I'm all, "yeah, that's cute" and stuff. So then she starts pulling all this stuff out of her cart, and starts asking me "how about this?" "is this too old-lady-like?" and "do you think this is worth (insert price here)?" So I'm being all nice and helping her out and stuff, so she starts telling me (a complete stranger) how her thyroid started acting funny and she gained all this weight and she was going to Texas and needed clothes, blah blah... Now I'm totally getting a kick out of this, 'cuz I was wearing all black (with my now straight-black hair, too) and I've got my boots and make up and bracelets and all that on, and some soccer-mom 30-year-old is asking ME for fashion advice? Well hell, I can't figure it out either, but that's her thing. Ok, so we go through her entire cart, and chat a little more, and so finally it's time for me to wander off. So she goes "Oh thank you so much for your help!!" and pulls this rubber-banded wad of note cards cards out of her purse. She hands me one, and I'm a little confused, but I'm like "thanks, that's really nice of you." So I'm looking at this thing later, and it's this little business card that has these tiny kittens on the front and it says "Each of us matters to God." And it's seriously a little card you can keep in your wallet to give to total strangers. I guess this lady just carries around a deck of thank-you business cards in her purse. To give to total strangers. Wearing all black. In a thrift store. Anyway, this just tickled me pink, so I stuck it in my wallet. (I'll show it to you if you ask me nicely) It was actually really sweet, if not a tad bit creepy. I bet Martha Stewart would be proud.
Posted by bandvamp01
at 9:22 AM EDT
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