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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 20 February 2004

Another craptacular Friday night...
*sigh* Gail is not in a good mood. No no no. In fact, Gail is in a very sulky mood. Gail will stop speaking in third-person now.

My throat is sore, and i have nothing to do on a friday night (other than the same thing i do *every* friday night, which is hang out with Nathan). I've had about enough of these goddamn sore throats. I'm tired, and I feel just plain crappy. And my neck hurts. Ever have one of those days where you want curl up under your covers and stay there 'til tomorrow? Yeah, that's me. Except I want to stay there for the next year and a half.

Argh. I dunno why I'm so cranky. Well, I really *do* know, but I don't feel like thinking about it.

On the up side, I bought my very first lottery ticket today. How kick ass would it be if I won? You know what I'd do if I won the lottery? I'd take a trip to Ireland. I've always wanted to go. Also, I'd buy a whole bolt of black pvc and make myself an entire vinyl wardrobe! Then you know what I'd do? I'd buy a house and never come out. yep, I'd seriously just be a hermit. A hermit who sews. And goes to Ireland. Gee, I hope I win.

So the moral of the story is: Leave a message and tell me how much you love me. Oh, and please- feel free to exaggerate!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:05 PM EST

Tuesday, 17 February 2004

Valentine's Day didn't suck!
Just in case anyone was wondering about my weekend... I had a nice Valentine's Day. Actually, it was a pretty nice weekend overall. Nothing special really went on (well...heh heh heh), but it was nice all the same. Me and Nathan watched "Revenge of the Nerds"... I think it's my new favorite movie. F 'real.
Oh yes, and let me add a little something right here: The purpose of this blog is so that you all can see what's up in The World of Gail. I post all the interesting and not-so-interesting stuff here. This is because I'm lousy at email correspondence. So, if someone wants to know more details about the life of Gail, he/she should ASK on the blog here-- that's what the "post your comment" link is for. He/she should not email me 4 times and gripe because they want to know more about what's going on in my life- they should just ask me here. Not only will you get a faster response, but then I won't have to repeat myself to different people. ((Yeah, I know I'm making it sound like lots of people read this damn thing... also, I'm not saying this to be rude, I just wanted to tell everyone that if you *really* wanna hear from me, post on here because I hardly ever respond to emails.))
In other news, I am CRAZY excited about Spring Break!! Me and Nathan are gonna try to go visit my grandparents in Florida. I love my grandparents! Also, whenever I go to Florida, all the tan people make me look dead-white! Yay for being blindingly pale!!
Know what else? This morning, I had a Diet Red Mountain Dew; I thought it'd be nasty since it was diet, but it was really good. Red Mountain Dew (Code Red) is addictive. No lie. I wish I could drink red mountain dew all damn day long. I drank a lot of it my senior year of high school, so now whenever i drink it, it brings back memories... Except that senior year, for the most part, sucked ASS. But it's okay- my love for the red mountain dew overpowers all nasty memories... Mmmmm... code red....
Oh yeah, if anybody ever wants to be super cool, you could come meet me at the office for lunch one day. The office i work in is down in Buckhead, but it's not too far. And besides, everybody else gets lunch visitors- I'm the only one who never gets lunch visitors... Just a thought.
Well, I guess that's all I've got to say. So remember- post to the blog, don't email me. Blog, not email. BLOG- good, EMAIL- bad! Hehehe...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 3:48 PM EST

Friday, 13 February 2004

YAY! It's Friday the 13th!!!
I LOVE Friday the 13th! It's right up there with Halloween... I like when Valentine's Day is on a Saturday 'cuz that means a Friday the 13th right before it. I'm actually in a good mood this morning (well, so far, anyways)... which is amazing considering my truly horrendous night last night. But I'm not going to go into it. Let's just say that sometimes being in a relationship isn't all it's cracked up to be... Aaaaaanyway, this morning I brought Valentines in for everybody I work with (they're all old, like 30-55-year-olds). I have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Sesame Street. I remember when I was in school, I used to LOVE getting valentines from all my friends! So I figured who doesn't like getting valentines? You're NEVER too old for valentines! One nice guy said it made his morning- how cool is that? And this nice lady gave me and some other people these little heart charms, like the kind you put on a necklace, but without the chain part on it. Mine's green and white. I like green. But there's this one guy whom I really really can't stand, and I figure I HAD to give him a valentine, 'cuz I can't give out valentines to everyone else and not him, right? Well, he just watches me put it on his desk (he's just sitting there in his office) and like, nods, and doesn't even say thanks! It's obviously a valentine! What a jerk- I seriously can NOT stand that dude. I'm SO glad I don't work directly with him... in fact, on good days, I don't see him at all. I really hate people who don't say thank you (rudeness is my pet peeve).
Oh well, maaaaaaaybe tomorrow will be fun. Hopefully. Me and Nathan don't have anything planned yet, so if any of youse guys feel like doing something, give us a hollar... it'll be better than sitting at home doing nothing. Of course, i'll probably get in trouble for saying that now, too. *sigh* And in case there's a *certain someone* reading this, you'd better have something good planned for tomorrow, or there'll be trouble. No, that's not true... but after the Halloween bit (see previous post), you'd better be nice to me- this is my third favorite holiday of them all! Ok, actually, Christmas was nice, so Christmas and Halloween cancel each other out. But you'd better be nice, if you don't wanna get into the negative points here... *sigh* In case none of you all can tell, I'm still just a WEE bit grumpy from last night... maybe it has something to do with the 4 hours of sleep I got... nahhhhhhhhhh.
Aw, nuts... I WAS in a good mood, but now I just put myself back in a cruddy mood... maybe some coffee will help... mmmmm, coffee.
So, in conclusion, the moral of the story is, if you want to make Gail feel better, come find her and give her a big hug...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 9:38 AM EST

Monday, 9 February 2004

This post is for all the ladies...
Guess what movies are coming out in March? "Dawn of the Dead" and "Scooby Doo 2"! Yay! I like horror movies, so yay "Dawn of the Dead." and I REALLY like Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Matthew Lillard, so yay for "Scooby Doo 2." EXCEPT that I just saw some pics from SD2 and ewww- Freddie Prinze, Jr with blonde mop-hair! I mean, I thought he looked OKAY as a blonde in the first one, but ewww for the mop-cut. Hopefully he'll look better on the big screen. Who wants to go see it with me?
On the subject of cute guys, I gotta say that Ryan Siner has got to be THE cutest guy ever! Check out this link:
Niiiice, huh? I just wanted to share (hence the title of the post). I know I'll probably get yelled at for saying that he's the cutest guy ever, so make it count by oogling him lots and lots. I have a picture of him from a CosmoGirl (magazine) shoot, so if anyone wants to see it, just ask me. But only if you promise not to drool on it.
Oh yeah, and before I forget- thank you for the e-card, you-know-who. That was sweet.
HOLY HELL-- Spring Break is March 6-12!!! That's less than a month away! And I haven't planned anything!! Damn, I bet Spring Break's gonna suck, too... I don't have anywhere to go this year. Last year me and Nathan went to Hilton Head. It's sad because everyone else gets to go on fun spring break trips except me. Last year, I got all psyched up for it (i FINALLY had somewhere to go!), but then i got mono, so it was like "Hey, let's go for a walk..... okay, now let's take a nap for the rest of the afternoon..." Well, okay- it was still super-fun. Best spring break i ever had, no lie! But this year's is gonna suck. I'll prolly sit at home all week and watch tv and sew or something. Damn is that sad. I wonder if it'll be too cold to go camping... Camping is fun. *sigh* I wish I had a spring break where i got to do something with my FRIENDS, for once. Not that I don't like hanging out with Nathan- it's not that at all (also, i know i'll get yelled at if i don't say that, haha)... It just feels like everybody else got to go on spring break trips with a big group of friends, and i always had to go with my family. Oh well-- if anybody wants to hang that week, gimme a call!

Heh, sorry all my posts have been "bitch bitch bitch"... At least this one had a link for a cute guy!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 7:39 PM EST

Saturday, 7 February 2004

On the subject of Goth Bois...
You know what I was thinking about the other day? Goth bois. We need more of them around here. I'm not talking about the goth-wannabees who hang out in front of Starbucks (it's saaaaad); I'm talking about, like, some of these:
I like that kind of goth boy. I don't like the ones who dress like girls... gross. And I can't stand the poet/hippy ones with the long hair. Fuck the neo-romanties, they're only good for making fun of. *sigh*
Sorry this post was so random, I just wanted to point out the lack of gothies 'round there parts. And it's saaaaaaad.

OH YEAH!! For Halloween this year, I'm going to be Columbia, from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I need people to be the other characters. If you want to be Rocky, you get to run around in gold undies all night. C'mon people- GOLD UNDIES!!! I'm trying to convince Nathan to be Eddie, but I don't think it's working. I'm still going to be Columbia, but it's more fun if you have a group of the characters. SO- let me know if any of you are interested!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 6:36 PM EST

Friday, 6 February 2004

Also, I would like to apologize to Nathan 'cuz I was a jerk last night. He knows what I'm talking about. I'm sorry.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:52 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 6 February 2004 8:54 AM EST

I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't...
ARGGH! I got in trouble for the flowers thing. Nathan actually read this, and he was like "you said you WISH you got flowers at work" and I said "No, I said I'd never GOTTEN flowers at work." I don't want flowers. I was just saying I'd never gotten them at work... he made it sound like I was begging for flowers, which I most certainly was NOT. I'm weird about flowers anyway- I never throw them out. They'll sit in a vase in my room for 6 months (or more!) and then I'll clip the stems and keep the dried flowers. I still have some roses in there from... uhhhhh, either my birthday or last Valentine's day. I think. I like dead flowers more than live ones, anyway (how gawth!). They're pretty.

So, TO CLARIFY, I do NOT want flowers, I was just trying to say that my day was so crummy that even something that normally cheers me up had the opposite effect. And then I was stating a fact; that that I had never personally gotten flowers at work. THAT'S IT. Jeebus- am I gonna have to start writing disclaimers for every one of my posts??
Well, since I'm posting, I found out that "Leprechaun: Back 2 da hood" is already out on video, so GUESS what I'll be watching this weekend?! AW, YEAH! The Leprechaun movies were HILARIOUS! This is... number 6, I believe. I think they had like a $10 budget for this one. I was looking around online, and Leprechaun fans are pissing themselves about some rumor of a "Chuckie vs. the Leprechaun" movie. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! I would totally bet on the Leprechaun. 'Cuz, you know, he's got magic powers. Chuckie has a little switchblade. Hmm... magic or switchblade? Gee...

Well, that's all I've got. I hope you're all having a nice Friday!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:32 AM EST

Thursday, 5 February 2004

Yep, it's official- today's been turned into a crappy day. Work sucked, the weather sucked, and the whole uncle thing (see previous post) is going to suck. The worst part was, some nice lady in our office got flowers today, and it made me sad. Normally when other people get flowers it cheers me up, 'cuz it makes them so happy. And everybody ooohs and ahhhhs over them, and it's fun. But not today. It just made me sadder. I've never gotten flowers at work. Haha- I'm going to send myself some. No, I'm not-- I'm not THAT big of a loser.
*sigh* I swear- one of these days I really AM going to become the Crazy Old Cat Lady.
((So the moral of the story is: if anybody reads this, leave a message- it'll cheer me up!))

Posted by bandvamp01 at 5:26 PM EST

Wow! Two posts in one week!!
Grrr... I just found out that as of Monday, my uncle is going to live with me and my mom. This is going to suck so bad. I LIKE the quiet. I LIKE having the whole house to myself sometimes. And of course, no one even asked me. Well, I suppose *technically* my mother did ask, but she's one of those people that if you say no, there's going to be hell to pay (AND a HUGE guilt trip to boot). She's one of those people who will help others, whether they want it or not. I mean, I know I'M bossy, but this is rediculous-- she commanded my uncle to move from Pennsylvania to down here, and then insisted he could stay with us. He COULD stay with my grandmother, who lives right down the street, but nooooo. My mom INSISTED he could live with us. Ugh... well, maybe my mom will be so worried about him that she won't have time to bug the hell outta me. That could be fun- I would be invisible for a little while.
I swear, when I move out, I'm never talking to my family again. What a sucky day this is turning out to be (and it's not even NOON!)...
Oh yeah! And thank you Stewart and Brandon-- it looks like you two are the only ones who read this thing... (it makes me feel important)

*edit* P.S.- Have you ever had a sucky day, and you're just in one of those moods where you're just LOOKING for an excuse to pick a fight? Yeah, that's how I feel today. So everyone, be reeeeally really nice to me. Or I'll bite your fucking head off.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:26 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2004 8:29 AM EST

Monday, 2 February 2004

Da na na na na na na na BATMAN!!
I'm soo bored that I'm FINALLY updating my blog (annnnd my website). Gawd DAMN am I bored. I SHOULD be doing homework, but that would be even nerdier than updating my website... I updated the About Me page. And then the What's New page. w00t.
Maaayybe some of you would be interested in some updates, yeeeeesssss?? Well, for those of you who know me, you know that for years I've been a firm believer that Clarinets are the best kissers, and that Trumpets, Mellophones, and Tubas suck at kissing. Well, I thought about it the other day and you know what? Trumpets aren't that bad. I think it's just the Mellos and the Tubas. So HA! Clarinets are still the best, naturally :D Also, I am still a HUGE band nerd. I think we all know that I'll still be telling "How many trumpets does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" jokes until I'm 90.
Also, who wants to go see the Warped Tour concert when they hit Atlanta?? Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, the Casualties (fuck yeah for guys with mohawks!!), and I forget the rest. But the rest don't really matter. I'm already making Nathan go, but does anyone else want to go...?
And now i'm off to do more nerdy things!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 10:02 PM EST

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