Thursday, 4 September 2003
This is good...
I almost forgot... (this is good) Yesterday I was at this little thrift store and I'm just minding my own business when this lady looking at the rack behind me turns around and says "How do you think this looks?" and like, holds up this striped dress. The lady's like, 30 or whatever, so I'm all, "yeah, that's cute" and stuff. So then she starts pulling all this stuff out of her cart, and starts asking me "how about this?" "is this too old-lady-like?" and "do you think this is worth (insert price here)?" So I'm being all nice and helping her out and stuff, so she starts telling me (a complete stranger) how her thyroid started acting funny and she gained all this weight and she was going to Texas and needed clothes, blah blah... Now I'm totally getting a kick out of this, 'cuz I was wearing all black (with my now straight-black hair, too) and I've got my boots and make up and bracelets and all that on, and some soccer-mom 30-year-old is asking ME for fashion advice? Well hell, I can't figure it out either, but that's her thing. Ok, so we go through her entire cart, and chat a little more, and so finally it's time for me to wander off. So she goes "Oh thank you so much for your help!!" and pulls this rubber-banded wad of note cards cards out of her purse. She hands me one, and I'm a little confused, but I'm like "thanks, that's really nice of you." So I'm looking at this thing later, and it's this little business card that has these tiny kittens on the front and it says "Each of us matters to God." And it's seriously a little card you can keep in your wallet to give to total strangers. I guess this lady just carries around a deck of thank-you business cards in her purse. To give to total strangers. Wearing all black. In a thrift store. Anyway, this just tickled me pink, so I stuck it in my wallet. (I'll show it to you if you ask me nicely) It was actually really sweet, if not a tad bit creepy. I bet Martha Stewart would be proud.
Posted by bandvamp01
at 9:22 AM EDT
Thursday, 4 September 2003 - 5:18 PM EDT
Patrick the deck hipster Beaulier
Home Page:
To My Favorite Goth/Punk/Industrial Chick:
There! Now you have no reason not to sign mine! I checked up on some clubs and unless you know something that I don't know...we're pretty much out of luck. Do not let this dismay you; however, as my friday and saturday are both clear (funny how I have nothing to do on the weekend but I've got lots of stuff to do on sunday-tuesday). Just lemme know what's up with you and your boy toy Nathan :-)
Speaking of which, girls can be a pain a certain one I spoke of earlier...but that's gossip I will share soon enough (and I do just love gabbin'). Call me or somethin'...7703216298. Later Aligator *hugs*
Thursday, 4 September 2003 - 5:43 PM EDT
Holy Shit! Patrick Beaulier! That takes me way back to the days of elementary school. Thats awesome. Anyway, just wanted to say hello. I dont have a cool web page in which i post my daily run-ins with pseudo christian thrift store ladies that have thank you cards in their wallet. Although that is an awesome idea, people these days are asses, its nice to see that. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and that I'm impressed (as always) with the website and the updates and such. Keep posting!! awesome!
Thursday, 4 September 2003 - 5:48 PM EDT
Haahahaha! 'Das RIGHT I'm goth/punk/industrial! AND DON'T NOBODY FORGET IT!! (hahahahahahaha)
Thursday, 4 September 2003 - 5:50 PM EDT
Hahahaha! WOOOOOOO! It's JOEY!! Joey is the mad mackin' pimp daddy shiz-nit! Heehee- hey Joey, remember- Jesus would want the top bunk (so he doesn't get peed on)!
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