Wednesday, 18 August 2004
Dunkin' Donuts, this weekend, random Japanese guy, etc..
Now Playing: "You and Me" Bad Religion
I got coupons in the mail from Dunkin' Donuts yesterday. I like getting mail. I also like coupons. Wanna know why I got coupons? Too bad- I'm telling the story anyway...
Every time I go into the Dunkin' Donuts on Johnson Ferry (you know, the one by the Mattress King or whatever that is *secretly* a strip club, as determined by Patrick) the owner is kinda snippy. On good days, he just glares at me hatefully while some other people ring me up. But a couple weeks (months?) ago, I went in there and I was asking about some random coffee drink... Me: "Is the *name of coffee drink* sweet?" Evil Donut Nazi: "It's flavored." Me: "Oh, I meant is it sweet, like the Coolattas?" Evil Donut Nazi: "IT'S FLAVORED COFFEE!! IT TASTES LIKE VANILLA!" Me: o_0 "Oooookay. Nevermind, I'll have a coolatta."
Seriously, he yelled that at me. Whaaat the hell? And I already knew it was flavored since it said "Vanilla whatever." Anyway, the guy's a jerk. So a couple days ago, I was on the Dunkin' Donuts website 'cuz I wanted to see if I could find pics of all their different kinds of coffee, and what was in them. And I came across the "question/complaint" part. So I nicely wrote about the asshat guy yelling at me. And then Dunkin' Donuts sent me coupons. Weeee.
On a completely different topic, I want to do something fun this weekend, damnit! I start skool on monday (NOT looking forward to that because Kennesaw State sucks hardcore), and I wanna spend this last weekend doing something really fun. Wait, something really fun that doesn't involve me getting so wasted that I forget how to operate pants. Uhh, anybody up for minigolf? Seriously, I NEEEED something to do.
Whoooah. Ok, some Japanese dude just walked in the office and said, "Uh uh, consula?" And I was like "Pardon?" and the guy goes "Uh uh Japan, uhh consuaaa?" and I say "Ohhh, I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding you." So he grabs a pen and pantomimes writing, so I have him a pad of paper. He then writes "Cunsular" and shows it to me. I give him this really helpless Mister-I-am-really-sorry-i-can't-understand-you look. And he points to the word and says "Cunsular?" So I just say "I'm really sorry." and shake my head. And he says "Sorry." Then waves and walks out. I feel really really bad that I couldn't help him. Awww. Poor guy. But now I really really want to know what "cunsular" means... ... Oh!! I just googled it. "Cunsular officers have the responsibility for issuance or denial of visa." Aw, geez... I really hope that dude finds the place he was looking for. Or at least somebody else who speaks Japanese.
Ok, I'm done, I guess. Hey, how is everyone else doing?
Posted by bandvamp01
at 3:57 PM EDT
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