Monday, 28 June 2004
don't ask
Exactly 2 weeks 'til my 21st birthday!! YAY! I'll be able to drink! Um, legally! I am going to go out and order the girliest drinks I can! The ones with chocolate syrup, and umbrellas, and plastic monkeys hanging off the side, and the glittery swizzle sticks! All in one drink! Yeah yeah! And I have the day off from work! I'm gonna eat McDonald's for breakfast, and get a pedicure and a maincure, and go shopping! ... No, I'm really going to sleep all day. Yeah. I'm lazy.
On another note, I am trying to cut down on caffeine. I've become too tolerant- I get a caffinated beverage at Caribou now and like 20 minutes later I'm falling asleep. That's no good. NO GOOD! ... ... Wait, I forgot where I was going with this. I need caffeine... Oh yeah, so I'm trying to only drink one cup of coffee on monday and one on friday. Before, I was drinking like 2 cups a day. So I guess it's better now. ... I have no idea what I'm saying, I really need some coffee...*yawn*
Anyway, 2 weeks 'til my birthday!! HOORAY!!!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 9:31 AM EDT
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