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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 6 February 2004

I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't...
ARGGH! I got in trouble for the flowers thing. Nathan actually read this, and he was like "you said you WISH you got flowers at work" and I said "No, I said I'd never GOTTEN flowers at work." I don't want flowers. I was just saying I'd never gotten them at work... he made it sound like I was begging for flowers, which I most certainly was NOT. I'm weird about flowers anyway- I never throw them out. They'll sit in a vase in my room for 6 months (or more!) and then I'll clip the stems and keep the dried flowers. I still have some roses in there from... uhhhhh, either my birthday or last Valentine's day. I think. I like dead flowers more than live ones, anyway (how gawth!). They're pretty.

So, TO CLARIFY, I do NOT want flowers, I was just trying to say that my day was so crummy that even something that normally cheers me up had the opposite effect. And then I was stating a fact; that that I had never personally gotten flowers at work. THAT'S IT. Jeebus- am I gonna have to start writing disclaimers for every one of my posts??
Well, since I'm posting, I found out that "Leprechaun: Back 2 da hood" is already out on video, so GUESS what I'll be watching this weekend?! AW, YEAH! The Leprechaun movies were HILARIOUS! This is... number 6, I believe. I think they had like a $10 budget for this one. I was looking around online, and Leprechaun fans are pissing themselves about some rumor of a "Chuckie vs. the Leprechaun" movie. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA! I would totally bet on the Leprechaun. 'Cuz, you know, he's got magic powers. Chuckie has a little switchblade. Hmm... magic or switchblade? Gee...

Well, that's all I've got. I hope you're all having a nice Friday!!

Posted by bandvamp01 at 8:32 AM EST

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