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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 31 October 2003

YAAAAAAAAAAY! It's my favorite holiday ever!! Too bad the day started out extremely sucky :(
I carved a pumpkin last night. Well, I started to, and then it got too late, so I'll finish it up today.
It's on of the ones where you carve the front and the back so it casts a shadow behind the pumpkin. I swear, if it doesn't turn out right, I'm gonna smash the damn thing myself.
I baked a cake, too- it's for our office Halloween 'party'. Which will suck because I'll still be stuck at the front desk. So, it had better be good, or I'm heaving it out one of our 13th-story windows myself.
The one thing that perked up my morning was that I heard "The Monster Mash" on the radio. It's just NOT Halloween until you've heard that song.
But I don't even have any fun plans tonight. Boo. And I've got such a nice costume (I'm Trinity).

Dammit, this year's Halloween is gonna suck.

Posted by bandvamp01 at 10:58 AM EST

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