Thursday, 16 October 2003
Woooo!! Okay, I have a bunch of stuff to tell you, soooo....
Part 1: The concert WAS HELLA-TITS!!! BEST concert I've ever been to!! The Casualties were fucking AMAZING and the Dropkick Murphys completely blew me away!!! The best part was when the Casualties played "Spikey- Haired Drunk Punks" and all the, uhhh.. spikey-haired drunk punks started moshing... Ok, wait- I lied. The BEST part was the sweaty shirtless irish guys who all came out during Dropkick Murphys :D Seriously, from now on I am SO only going to punk concerts- they kick ass so much harder than anything else...
Part 2: Me and Nathan went to a farewell party for Joseph at his house after the concert. He was SO smashed. It was GREAT. Also, Rosco got spanked. By Joseph's mom. AND I GOT THE PICTURE TO PROVE IT!!! I can't WAIT to get my film developed...
Part 3: I got a flu shot today. And I didn't cry, not even a little bit!! So now I'm just waiting for my arm to swell up and fall off or something, i SWEAR...
Part 4: I'm feeling better, I think i'm getting over my cold (knock on wood).
Okay everybody- that's all I've got. But for god's sake- LEAVE ME A MESSAGE!!!
Posted by bandvamp01
at 2:02 PM EDT
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