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Because I CAN, dammit

Friday, 10 October 2003

Concert tomorrow!!
Wooooooooooo!!! I'm hella-excited! I'm going to the Casualties / Dropkick Murphys concert tomorrow night!! I've got my steel-toe boots all dusted off for it, too.
Sorry for not updating as much as I would have liked (oh, like anybody reads this thing, anyways)..
Aw, man- this concert is gonna be tits (and NO i didn't get that from South Park... but if anyone CAN guess where I got that from, I'll give you a cookie :)) Hooray for mohawks!! Punks (ok, the guys) are the hottest of the hot. Hellz yeazz for mohawks and studs, baby. Punk girls (if you can find 'em) are kinda nasty. Now, Rivetbitches are hot... but I digress.
Anyway, I'll tell everyone what the concert was like on sunday, I guess...
On a sad note though- Brandon left to go to Japan (he's a marine) for a year. It made me sad 'cuz I'm gonna miss him. But I was DOUBLE sad because then Joseph leaves to go be a marine on monday!! Sad sad sad... *sniffle*

October is turning out to be a very interesting month...

Posted by bandvamp01 at 11:51 AM EDT

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