Yes, that's right kiddies; every good (and not so good) website has a rant page! This is where the owner of the webpage can bitch about anything she wants to!! So there!
  Ah yes, East Cobb- where I've spent 8 miserable years of my life! I absolutely HATE that fucking place! I hate the people, I hate the cars, I hate the stores, I hate EVERYTHING about the god-forsaken place! But I think I hate the people most of all. For you see, the people there aren't just regular people- on no. They're snotty, disgusting, anorexic, blonde, obnoxious, spoiled, lying, two-faced, selfish, ugly, spiteful little brats. All the nasty little jail bait girls are whores-in-training, and the little boys are future drunks waiting to rape some unconscious chick at a random party.
  Geez- somebody might think that I have no friends there! Actually- I have - let me see- 3, yes 3 friends in East Cobb. But wait- NONE OF THEM ARE FROM GEORGIA!! Maybe because nothing comes from GA except rednecks and drunken white boys.
  But I digress. Next topic: parents! All the parents of E.C. have so much money, they can throw it at their kids by the assload, and feel better about themselves- "Gee, I give my kid everything that's expensive- this shows how much I love them!" and they walk away feeling like they're the fucking Parent of the Year. Of course, little do they know that their $100-a-week allowance is going towards pot, booze, and Starbucks Coffee. What? Your kid wrecked their brand new mustang!? They've only had it for 3 months! Oh well- you can just buy a new car to for them to wreck in a few MORE months! What? Your kid got caught PISS-DRUNK at the Prom?! IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT!!! (Anyone remember this?? It happened like 3 years ago!)
  Yeah, East Cobb sucks it hard. But what about the good side of it?? ... oh that's right- THERE IS NONE!
  So, from the nasty whores (Amanda Neal) to the drunken fuck-ups (Michael Bowen) to the pathological liars (Jeremy Price) they can all be found... actually, right around the stinking cesspool of Alan C. Pope High School. Oh! And here's a special message to all you Filthy McNasties who have nothing better to do than talk about everyone behind their backs- Karma is not only a bitch to reckon with, but she can kick your pansy ass ANY TIME!